“The title of the first painting is ‘MUSICAL CHAIRS’ . This refers to a popular party game where the people circulate around several chairs while the music is playing. The object of the game is to sit on a chair to stay in the game. Each round a chair is removed and those not sitting are out of the game. Until there is one chair left and two people. Here the scene is set with Sniffy and the young girl contending for the final round. The last seat is also a piano chair, a musical chair.
I refer to this series of paintings as playlets or stage settings where I ‘tongue in cheek’ contrast traditional art with contemporary arrangements. Sniffy the male character, always seen in profile. He is often seen as a commentator figure much like the artists Gilbert and George did in the 60’s and 70’s.
The play is set in a fine room where classical reference is made by the Greek urn print on the wall. Alongside the pair is a compote of pears supported by a dutiful small dog. Pears are a metaphor for fertility. On the table is a glass of wine’ the fruits of your labours”
Click here to view more contemporary paintings by Joe HARGAN.